Saturday, August 12, 2006

SS United States

During the past year I have made several trips in and out of the Philadelphia International Airport. Each time I have noticed a large ship sitting at berth near the airport. After much research via the internet I discovered that Philadelphia is the current home of the once beautiful SS United States.

With some time to spare before leaving on a flight from Philadelphia back to Atlanta Thursday I decided to search out the SS United States.
Here's one of several pictures I took.

Not since the Monitor and the Merrimac had sounded the knell of wooden ships in the War Between the States had American shipbuilding been able to claim the leadership it originally won with the old Yankee Clippers, speed champions of their time. With the launch of the new ss United States, America once again led the forefront of innovation and could lay claim to the largest passenger vessel ever built in the Western Hemisphere and the fastest passenger vessel afloat. Red, white and blue stacks towering 175 feet above the keel, the striking profile of the liner gave unspoken promise to reassert theUnited States of America as a contender in the North Atlantic Trade. This remarkable ship has captured the imaginations of many throughout the years. In years past, and in years to come, the fascinating story of America's last ambassador of the Atlantic will continue to catch the attention of those who long to understand and recapture a kinder, gentler era.

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